Megan J Broughton

Monday 18 June 2018

Week 8

So today is the exhibition night! I have quite a few people coming to see my work tonight, however I don't feel like it's worth coming to see. I can definitely say that I am truly disappointed with my final piece, if only I hadn't lost my work to begin with! However, this is a learning curve, and I have to accept whats done is done! In the morning I just put some last minute bits onto my exhibtion and handed my work in!!

Week 7

Day 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49 and 50!

Okay, so this was the final week to get things done for the exhibition on Monday! Therefore, I finished off my evaluation first. As you can imagine I had a lot more to write in it now, as I had lost my work! In between going to work and seeing family, I then wrote my essay. I found it rather difficult to write my essay, as the questions were all pretty much the same just worded completely different. Therefore, it was difficult to try and not repeat yourself over and over (eve though I think I did!).
On the Friday, I started painting my boards for the exhibition on Monday. I was covered head to toe in paint, literally... I printed some photographs off to stick up on my board to make them not look boring, and put them onto foam board, so that they would look nice when their up.
On Saturday and Sunday in between going to work again and seeing family, I finished off any last minute things that I had completed. I was up very late on Sunday doing this...
It was mainly trying to figure out how to reference on word, as I had completed forgotten how too!

Wednesday 2 May 2018

Week 6

Day 37 and 38

On Monday and Tuesday, I finished off my magazine. I managed to complete 36 pages, which I was pretty pleased with. I was happy with all the information and photographs that I had put inside, and also how I laid out each page. I think that I have done a really good job of my magazine. It didn't take me that long on the Tuesday to complete, so I went home early on this day I was tired. The essay was launched Monday.

Day 39 and 40

On Wednesday and Thursday, I worked, again... Therefore, I didn't really do any college work. On Thursday night I did start typing a draft for my evaluation, as I didn't want to leave this last minute. I managed to complete most of it, and I was happy with what I wrote, so that just needed finishing off at a later date. I wanted to make sure that my evaluation was in depth, as I had a lot to explain throughout the course, and I had a lot of mixed emotions to my final piece.

Day 41

Today was the day that I realised I should of stayed longer on Tuesday, and sent my work off for printing. The reason behind this was because the computers from my normal working classroom were removed, and I lost ALL of my magazine. I was devastated. My final piece was probably the only thing I cared about doing the whole time on this course, and then it just vanished. However, you learn from your mistakes. Therefore, I had to change my idea around a bit and create a photo book instead of a magazine :(. As you can imagine I completed this in a day, as it needed to be sent of to be printed, therefore it IS NOT my best work and looks absolutely rubbish! However, I was pretty happy that I pushed my emotions behind and managed to actually put something together, instead of refusing too.

Day 42 and 43

After the day I had yesterday, I refused to even touch any college work this weekend. I didn't find the point and to be honest I wanted this weekend to improve my college folder work, to make it even better! However, I just couldn't be bothered anymore. I decided to leave my college folder work as it was, as my final piece is rubbish anyway.

Week 5

Day 30 and 31

On Monday and Tuesday I started to put my magazine together. I used a template that was already set up from when I made a comic book in sixth form, and started to put together my magazine. I started with my cover photo and then went onto my contents pages. I started to really enjoy this, as it was so much fun to design my own magazine. When I got home, I wrote out all the content that I wanted to include within my magazine in a notebook, so that I could just copy it straight onto Photoshop when I was ready too.

Day 32 and 33

On Wednesday and Thursday I did two 8 hour shifts in work. Therefore, I didn't really have the energy to put together any of my magazine or even do any folder work at home. I did upload some photograph's onto Instagram and VSCO, just because they were easy to do and I could do them from my bed!!

Day 34

On Friday, I carried on with putting my magazine together. I managed to put together quite a few pages, as I previously had wrote out all the content for my magazine in a notebook. This allowed me to easily put together my magazine, and I knew that this would save me a lot of time in the long run. By doing this as well, it meant that I could maybe add more pages into my magazine, making it fuller and more professional.

Day 35 and 36

On the weekend I was off on Saturday, however I spent this time with my mum and Nan, as I don't really have the time to spend time with them, due to my mum working away for three days in London, and because I have college and work. Therefore, I did no college work on this day.
On Sunday I did a 2-6 shift in work, therefore I had a lie in, in the morning and went to work. After work, I did finish off some development work, as I hadn't completed this section entirely.

Week 4

Day 23

So today I went into college on my day off (start of the Easter half term) , I finished off with any development designs. I only had a few left to do, as I didn't want to go too over the top with development ideas. I printed these off, and then stuck them down in my sketch book alongside the others that I did last week. I then started to annotate these ones the same way I annotated the other ones. I did mini over all reviews for each page, which clearly shown my opinions and improvements that could of been achieved next time. I went home after doing this, as it was half term and I had done everything that I had wanted to do.

Day 24

So today, I had a nice lie in and watched a few films. I suppose this was my way of relaxing and whining down from doing college work. I told myself I needed a day off from doing college work, so I literally did nothing all day. I suppose having a day off from doing college work allowed me to gain a bit more energy, so that when I go back to doing some I would have the enthusiasm to do it. But you never know, this might not happen too.

Day 25

I worked an all day shift in work today, therefore didn't have any energy to do college work again today. I guess working till 8 and being that type of person who goes to bed really early, has it's down falls. I don't really fit into the stereotyped teenagers of today. "Did you stay up all night doing your work?" I'm literally that person who will be fast asleep by half 9, because I can't physically keep my eyes open any longer. I'm also that person who wakes up at the crack of dawn, I'm not keen on evenings.

Day 26

So that my day didn't completely go to waste and was lazy, I decided to do something that I would enjoy but related to my project. From the feedback from my questionnaire, my results shown that an Instagram and VSCO page would look good for my travel magazine. Therefore today, I set up both accounts. I started editing my travel photographs on VSCO and publishing them there, before uploading them onto my Instagram page. I enjoyed doing this so much, because I started receiving opinions from other travel photographers, which I thought was nice!!

Day 27, 28 and 29

And just like that, I started telling myself it's Friday have an early start to the weekend. As I work both days at the weekend, I enjoyed today by spending time with my sister and her sausage dog. I enjoyed having time to think to myself and just take a breather from reality. I guess I took it easy all week, but whats another three days going to harm anyone! Maybe when I get back to doing college work next week (hopefully), I'll feel more refreshed and focused!! But who knows...

Week 3

Day 16

Truthfully, I didn't go to college today. It wasn't that I was ill or there was a family emergency, I just honestly couldn't be bothered. I think knowing that my tutor wasn't going to be in, and not having any guidance throughout my project, put me off and disinterested me from going in. Don't get me wrong, there are some tutors that are willing to sit down with you and support you with any needs. But it's hard for them, because they don't specialize in the subject that I have chosen to do, and there are more students on my course that also need the help. 
However, I didn't just waste a day in bed, I did do some college work. I finished off my design ideas, which allowed me then to start thinking about my development ideas. As I do not have Photoshop at home, I was just planning ideas out in my head ready to start working on them tomorrow. But knowing that I would have my design ideas finished, made me feel a lot happier.

Day 17

I went to college today, with one aim, to start my development. And, I did!! I felt really happy with myself that I was getting through the main parts, as I know I needed time to put my magazine together. From doing my design ideas, I then chose my favourite ones (as stated on the pieces of card), and started to manipulate them even more. I wanted to see whether I could edit them more, to give them more of a professional look. Again, I did this using Photoshop as it easily allows me to show my ideas clearly and in better quality. Being able to describe and explain my development process to other people is a lot easier when it's been presented this way, because sometimes when I draw things, I forget what it is!! I printed off the development ideas so far, so I could stick them in my sketch book tomorrow.

Day 18

So today is Wednesday, and I had a nice early shift in work which allowed me to spend a bit time on some college work. I stuck down the development idea's so far and done some annotation around them, explaining why I made the changes, and whether it worked out for the best. This is all I did for today, as I needed to pack for my birthday trip to Dublin!

Day 19, 20 and 21

So today I'm going to Dublin for my birthday, which is tomorrow!! I suppose you could class this trip as a bit of college work, due to making a travel magazine. This trip will allow me to gain more photographs, and include another page in my magazine! As Dublin is mainly known for drinking, and well so is pretty much the young generation, I feel like this is a perfect opportunity to include this place in my magazine! And, Dublin is becoming just as popular as Amsterdam at the moment.
So today is my birthday, and I turned 19!! God i feel old. So today I took a trip to the well known Temple Bar and then straight to The Guinness Factory. It was an incredible moment to be walking along all the Irish pubs near the Temple Bar and listening to all the live bands playing. The Guinness Factory was just as good, with it's free pint of Guinness and history on how it's been made.
So it's our last day today, and we decided to spend this at the popular attraction, Dublin zoo. On the way there, our taxi driver made it sound incredible, however we found it just as good as our local zoo.

Day 22

So today I was in work at 2, but felt like I needed the morning to recover! So I did just that. My niece was round too, which was good and I got to catch up with family (even though I was only away for three days). And, then I went to work. I did not do any college work after work, just eat my tea and straight to bed!!

Sunday 29 April 2018

Week 2

Day 8

Today, I started off by finishing the rest of my artist research. Like I said on Friday, I left one of my artist research, due to being bored of doing them! So today, I started off by finishing off this. This took me a while to get into, because I just find this part of the project extremely boring!! So this took me to about lunchtime.
I then started a questionnaire, which will allow me with my research. The reason behind doing this questionnaire, is because I wanted to see what my target audience thought about my ideas, what countries they liked, and any opinions they had on what I could include inside my magazine. I asked some of my friends that were in their first year of University, a friend that was in college, a friend that has took a gap year before going University, my boyfriend who took the apprenticeship route and my sister who is 23 and has just finished University.

Day 9

Today, I started to create design ideas that could become possible outcomes to develop. I used Photoshop to create these images, as I felt like this would help show my ideas more clearly and obviously would be more realistic. I used photographs that I personally thought were better quality, as I need to make sure that the cover photo is too a professional standard. And of course, like I stated in my statement of intent, I need to make sure I keep to minimal front cover, as this is what I want my inside to be like.

Day 10 and 11

As stated in my week 1 diary entry, Wednesday and Thursday are my day's off, so I mainly work both of these days. Therefore, when I had a free moment I completed my magazine layout annotations so that they were all done and completed. This allowed me to start thinking forward, and thinking about general layouts for my final magazine.

Day 12

Today, I started doing design ideas for the way my magazine was going to fold out. Therefore, I did some quick sketches of 5 different ways and annotated around it with pro's and con's. This allowed me to reflect on my work, and see which one is more beneficial to my magazine. I did mini prototypes and stuck them down besides each mini diagram, which allowed me to easily show how they would be folded out, and also how they function. From doing it, I decided that the simple 'open like a book' would be better suited for my target audience and style of magazine. This is because I don't want my magazine to be awkward to hold if it kept folding out, and also with it being a minimal magazine, I didn't want to over-complicate it. 

Day 14 and 15

As this is Saturday and Sunday, I always work both of these days too, which is a pain! So truthfully over this weekend I didn't do any college work. To be honest, I didn't even think of college in general. I think the reason behind this is because, I felt so drained and overwhelmed with stress from this project and having a part time job, that I just wanted to enjoy my spare time with family and friends. I think by doing this, it allowed me to gain a bit more energy, which will hopefully allow me to put 100% into my college work when I go back.