Wednesday 2 May 2018

Diary- Week 3

Week 3

Day 16

Truthfully, I didn't go to college today. It wasn't that I was ill or there was a family emergency, I just honestly couldn't be bothered. I think knowing that my tutor wasn't going to be in, and not having any guidance throughout my project, put me off and disinterested me from going in. Don't get me wrong, there are some tutors that are willing to sit down with you and support you with any needs. But it's hard for them, because they don't specialize in the subject that I have chosen to do, and there are more students on my course that also need the help. 
However, I didn't just waste a day in bed, I did do some college work. I finished off my design ideas, which allowed me then to start thinking about my development ideas. As I do not have Photoshop at home, I was just planning ideas out in my head ready to start working on them tomorrow. But knowing that I would have my design ideas finished, made me feel a lot happier.

Day 17

I went to college today, with one aim, to start my development. And, I did!! I felt really happy with myself that I was getting through the main parts, as I know I needed time to put my magazine together. From doing my design ideas, I then chose my favourite ones (as stated on the pieces of card), and started to manipulate them even more. I wanted to see whether I could edit them more, to give them more of a professional look. Again, I did this using Photoshop as it easily allows me to show my ideas clearly and in better quality. Being able to describe and explain my development process to other people is a lot easier when it's been presented this way, because sometimes when I draw things, I forget what it is!! I printed off the development ideas so far, so I could stick them in my sketch book tomorrow.

Day 18

So today is Wednesday, and I had a nice early shift in work which allowed me to spend a bit time on some college work. I stuck down the development idea's so far and done some annotation around them, explaining why I made the changes, and whether it worked out for the best. This is all I did for today, as I needed to pack for my birthday trip to Dublin!

Day 19, 20 and 21

So today I'm going to Dublin for my birthday, which is tomorrow!! I suppose you could class this trip as a bit of college work, due to making a travel magazine. This trip will allow me to gain more photographs, and include another page in my magazine! As Dublin is mainly known for drinking, and well so is pretty much the young generation, I feel like this is a perfect opportunity to include this place in my magazine! And, Dublin is becoming just as popular as Amsterdam at the moment.
So today is my birthday, and I turned 19!! God i feel old. So today I took a trip to the well known Temple Bar and then straight to The Guinness Factory. It was an incredible moment to be walking along all the Irish pubs near the Temple Bar and listening to all the live bands playing. The Guinness Factory was just as good, with it's free pint of Guinness and history on how it's been made.
So it's our last day today, and we decided to spend this at the popular attraction, Dublin zoo. On the way there, our taxi driver made it sound incredible, however we found it just as good as our local zoo.

Day 22

So today I was in work at 2, but felt like I needed the morning to recover! So I did just that. My niece was round too, which was good and I got to catch up with family (even though I was only away for three days). And, then I went to work. I did not do any college work after work, just eat my tea and straight to bed!!

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